English Corner
Monday, January 03, 2005
Nigeria's Hair Police 奈及利亞髮型警察
No gay hairdos allowed 禁蓄同志髮型

‧ 標題單字

1) gay (a.)(男)同性戀的
He doesn't seem like a gay person.
2) hairdo (n.) 髮型
He got a new hairdo before going to Canada.

Fans of football (soccer to North Americans) 4)rejoice. There's no longer a need to fear for your favorite Nigerian football star's 5)sexuality. It seems likely that new rules will be put into place to 6)ban 7)braids, 3dreadlocks, and earrings on the Nigerian football field in an effort to make the young men look more 8)manly.


‧ 中級單字

3) soccer (n.) 足球,英式英文稱為 football
Soccer is a very old sport.

4) rejoice (v.) 感到高興
They rejoiced after winning the game.

5) sexuality (n.) 性特徵,性別
It's best not to display your sexuality in public places.

6) ban (v.) 禁止
Our school has a ban on dyed hair.

7) braid (n.) 辮子
The young girl always has braids in her hair.

8) manly (a.) 有男子氣概的
This actor always plays very manly roles.


Nigeria's top 9)footballers, including captain Jay-Jay Okocha and top striker Nwankwo Kanu, may have their hair braided, but officials have had enough. They say 10)hairstyles such as these are not 11)culturally acceptable and 12)encourage 13)homosexuality. For Mr. Runshewe of the Information 14)Ministry the same goes for earrings, which he says have a “sense of homosexuality.”


‧ 中級單字

9) footballer (n.) 足球員
Footballers are very popular in England.

10) hairstyle (n.) 髮型
She paid a lot of money to design a new hairstyle.

11) culturally (adv.) 文化方面
Culturally speaking, Canada and the United States are very similar.

12) encourage (v.) 鼓勵
The teacher encourages her students to read.

13) homosexuality (n.) 同性戀
Do his parents know about his homosexuality?

14) ministry (n.) 政府部會
The Ministry of Education is responsible for the nation's schools.


Of course, not everybody agrees with these 15)charges. Young fans often see the players’ hair braids as signs of the changing times. Nigeria is becoming more international. Players are following the likes of Beckham, 16)sporting crazy hairdos in order to be more 17)visible on the field.

‧ 中級單字

15) charge (n.) 指控
The teacher has been arrested on a charge of murder.

16) sport (v.) 炫耀,惹人注意地打扮
The singer always sports some very interesting outfits.

17) visible (a.) 能被看見的,可見的
There are no visible differences between the twins.


Female 18)onlookers, on the other hand, were less 19)compassionate to the dreadlocked, braided players. Football, being a man's game, must be played by manly men, they say. They don't see why men should try to turn themselves into girls. But maybe that's just 20)sour grapes. Perhaps these women are afraid of the competition.


‧ 中級單字

18) onlooker (n.) 旁觀者
The onlookers were surprised when the losing team suddenly won the game.

19) compassionate (a.) 同情的
The monk is a very compassionate person.

20) sour grapes 酸葡萄心理,見不得別人好
She looks angry, but she's not. It's just sour grapes.

Thursday, December 09, 2004
Criticizing Tactfully (Part 5 of 5) 技巧地批評
EXPRESS YOURSELF: Criticizing Tactfully (Part 5 of 5) 技巧地批評


You and your classmate are working together on a report. One classmate makes excuses and keeps forgetting to do her share of the homework. Tell her how you feel. Tell her that she needs to work harder.

Your hairdresser has just finished cutting your hair, but you don't like the style. He didn't listen to you when you told him what hairstyle you wanted.

You have taken your fiance to a fancy restaurant for a nice dinner. The waiter brings the wrong order. You complain to the restaurant manager.





【Word Bank】
hairdresser (n) 理髮師; 美容師

The Day's Phrase
I often heard my mother say "hands off!" when I was younger.

Criticizing Tactfully (Part 4 of 5) 技巧地批評
EXPRESS YOURSELF: Criticizing Tactfully (Part 4 of 5) 技巧地批評

When you are criticized, acknowledge the criticism in a nondefensive way. If it is valid, offer an apology for your behavior.

  * I know this is a problem.
  * Thank you for your input.
  * I appreciate your comments.
  * I'm glad you mentioned it.

Conversation 4

(back to the restaurant with Wilbur and Charlotte)
Wilbur: You know, Charlotte, IBM glad you mentioned my habit of slurping. I guess it's really impolite.
Charlotte: I'm afraid it is. Lots of people find slurping very offensive, you know. You really should try to stop.
Wilbur: I will try. I guess I learned it when I was little. Maybe I didn't pay enough attention to my table manners.


  * 我知道這是個問題。
  * 謝謝你所提供的意見。
  * 我很感激你的評語。
  * 我很高興你把它提出來。



【Word Bank】
nondefensive (adj) 不具敵意的; 無防衛性的
valid (adj) 有確實根據的

The Day's Phrase
When I asked my brother for help on my homework he told me to get lost!

Criticizing Tactfully (Part 3 of 5) 技巧地批評
EXPRESS YOURSELF: Criticizing Tactfully (Part 3 of 5) 技巧地批評

The following conversations show people criticizing someone. Be careful to note that the speakers are expressing criticism, not anger.

Conversation 2

(a sales manager is talking to one of his salesmen)
Carl: Judd, may I have a word with you in my office?
Judd: Sure. What's up?
Carl: I'm really dissatisfied with your sales report this month. It should have been a lot better. You only brought in one new account.
Judd: Well, with the economy in a slump, it's harder and harder to find clients.
Carl: Yes, but we sell an excellent product. I don't want excuses, I want results. I expect to see a better report next month.

Conversation 3

(at a restaurant)
Wilbur: I think I'll have beef noodles for lunch.
Charlotte: Wilbur, I've been meaning to talk to you. I don't like the way you slurp noisily when you eat noodles. It's really unpleasant to eat with you. I don't want to hurt your feelings, but you might want to think about improving your eating habits.
Wilbur: I'm sorry it bothers you. Maybe I should have some-thing else?
Charlotte: Why don't you have some fried rice? The shrimp fried rice at this restaurant is really delicious.






【Word Bank】
account (n) 一筆生意
slurp (v) 發出聲音地啜食
have a word with someone (v phr) 和某人談話
in a slump (prep phr) 指經濟不景氣

The Day's Phrase
Oscar sure is a tough cookie. He hurt his leg but still won the race.

Criticizing Tactfully (Part 2 of 5) 技巧地批評
EXPRESS YOURSELF: Criticizing Tactfully (Part 2 of 5) 技巧地批評

Conversation 1

Alice: How was your vacation to Guam, Beatrice?
Beatrice: The beaches were great, but the service at the resort was lousy.
Alice: Really? I'm surprised. The resorts in Guam are supposed to be pretty nice.
Beatrice: Not this one. The room service was always so slow, and the help expected big tips. The waiters never acted like they were happy to see you. I felt like a burden to them. And I was really disappointed with the food. The seafood was never fresh.
Alice: What was the name of the resort? I'll make sure to avoid it when I go to Guam next month.



【Word Bank】
lousy (adj) 糟糕的; 差勁的

The Day's Phrase
My father gets a five o'clock shadow when he does not shave.

Criticizing Tactfully (Part 1 of 5) 技巧地批評
"To err is human."
We all make mistakes, and we all know people who want to point them out to us. Although criticism is unpleasant, it doesn't have to be bad. Tactful criticism encourages us to improve. When we criticize, we want to change an unpleasant situation or habit. Sometimes the service at a hotel is poor, or the food at a restaurant is not satisfactory. Maybe a colleague or classmate has done something carelessly that affects us. When we find fault, we need to say it carefully. Study these useful phrases for expressing criticism.  
* I'm a little dissatisfied with the quality of the food in this restaurant.  
* I don't like your attitude at work. You should show more respect to your manager.  
* I'm disappointed with your grades this semester, son. They could be better.  
* I don't care for this hamburger. It's too rare.   
* I'm tired of always cleaning the house by myself. Can't you help me?  
* It might be helpful if you got some advice from a close friend.  
* Perhaps next time you should try harder.   
* I'm not pleased with your sales record this month.  
* I'm unhappy with the lazy way you do your homework.  
* I'm upset about your behavior at the meeting. You shouldn't let criticism get to you.  
* That's a good start.  
* I'm afraid I have a complaint.  
* That performance was nothing special.  
* The service here is disappointing.

* 我對這家餐廳的食物不太滿意。  
* 我不喜歡你的工作態度,你應該更尊重你的經理。  
* 兒子,我對你這學期的成績有些失望,它們可以更好。  
* 我不喜歡這個漢堡,它煎得太生了。  
* 我已厭煩老是得自己清理這個房子。你能幫我的忙嗎?  
* 如果你能從知己那裡得到一些建議,會對你有幫助的。  
* 也許下次你應該更努力。  
* 我對你這個月的業績並不滿意。  
* 我對你作功課的偷懶態度不甚高興。  
* 我對於你在會議當中的表現很生氣。  
* 你不應該讓批評困擾你。  
* 那是個好的開始。  
* 我恐怕有個抱怨要提出來。  
* 那個表演並沒什麼特別的。  
* 這裡的服務令人失望。

Word Bank
err (v) 犯錯
colleague (n) 同事
rare (adj) 生的
behavior (n) 行為; 舉止; 態度

The Day's Phrase
If I could just get my bearings, then I could find my way home.

Showing Sympathy (Part 5 of 5) 表達同情
EXPRESS YOURSELF: Showing Sympathy (Part 5 of 5) 表達同情

Conversation 5(at a hospital)
Mr. Maxim: How is Sammy doing, Vickie?
Vickie: Well, he's still in a coma. We don't know when he's going to come out of it.
Mr. Maxim: It's so terrible that this had to happen to such a sweet little boy. Everyone at work sympathizes with you.
Vickie: Thank you. I appreciate your concern.
Mr. Maxim: By the way, when was the last time you ate?
Vickie: I haven't eaten in 24 hours. I haven't left Sammy since the accident.
Mr. Maxim: Let me get something for you.
Vickie: Thanks. That would be great.


  1. Your best friend was in a car accident and seriously injured. You visit him in the hospital. What can you say to console him?
  2. Your boss's father has passed away. What do you say to your boss at the funeral?
  3. Your best friend has just found out that her boyfriend wants to break up with her. What can you say to make her feel better?
  4. Your classmate is a volleyball player. Her team just lost the championship game. What can you say to show your sympathy?

維 琪:噢,他還在昏迷當中。我們也不知道他什麼時候會清醒過來。
維 琪:謝謝你。我很感激你的關心。
維 琪:我已經廿四個小時沒有吃東西了。自車禍發生之後,我就沒離開過山米。
維 琪:謝謝你,那太好了。


  1. 你最好的朋友發生車禍,並且嚴重受傷,你到醫院去探視他。你能說些什麼安慰他呢?
  2. 你老闆的父親過世了。你應在葬禮時向他說什麼呢?
  3. 你最好的朋友剛發現她的男朋友要和她分手,你能說些什麼使她覺得好過一些呢?
  4. 你的同班同學是排球隊員。她那一隊剛剛在冠軍爭奪賽中輸了,你能說些什麼表達你的同情心嗎?

【Word Bank】

coma (n) 昏迷

pass away (v phr) 死亡

The Day's Phrase
It really hurt my feelings when you broke your word about taking me fishing.


Showing Sympathy (Part 4 of 5) 表達同情
EXPRESS YOURSELF: Showing Sympathy (Part 4 of 5) 表達同情

Conversation 3(at a funeral)
Mr. Elliot: I'm so sorry about your husband, Mrs. Lincoln. He was a kind, generous man who was a blessing to us all.
Mrs. Elliot: Yes, please accept our condolences.
Mrs. Lincoln: Thank you. You've all been so very kind.

Conversation 4(at a university)
Lou: I'm sorry to hear about your injured knee, Al.
Al: Thanks, Lou. I guess I got a little carried away during the football game.
Lou: This must be rough on you. Will it hurt your athletic career?
Al: It depends on how well the knee heals.
Lou: Take it easy, then. I really sympathize with you.


羅 :真遺憾聽到你傷了膝蓋的消息,艾爾。
羅 :這件事對你來講一定很難受。會不會對你的運動生涯造成不好的影響呢?
羅 :放輕鬆慢慢來。我對你的情況極表同情。

【Word Bank】
condolences (n pl) 弔慰; 哀悼
get carried away (v phr) 因太過激動或高興而超出常規
take it easy (v phr) 放輕鬆

The Day's Phrase
If you don't have a computer you are behind the times.

Showing Sympathy (Part 3 of 5) 表達同情
EXPRESS YOURSELF: Showing Sympathy (Part 3 of 5) 表達同情

Conversation 2
Hank: How's it going, James?
James: Not so good, Hank. I just got a "Dear John" letter from Tina.
Hank: That's too bad. She's still studying in Paris, isn't she?
James: Yes. She's coming home at Christmas. I thought we were still together, but I guess she's changed her mind.
Hank: Tough break, James. I'm sorry.Sometimes a friend or acquaintance has a car accident, an injury, an illness or a death in the family. In these instances, it's very important to use more formal language to express your sympathy. You shouldn't say "Tough break!" to your friend who has broken her right hand and can't write for two months. She will think that you are being shallow or insincere. Study the following conversations for examples of formal expressions of sympathy:

漢 克:你好嗎,傑姆斯?
漢 克:那真糟糕。她還在巴黎讀書,不是嗎?
漢 克:真倒霉,傑姆斯。我為你感到難過。有時朋友或熟人出了車禍,受傷、生病或家人去世。在這種情況下,用較正式的用語來表達你的同情是很要緊的。對一位斷了手而兩個月不能寫信的朋友,你可不能說「真倒霉!」她會以為你只是膚淺的表示或沒有誠心。以下的會話就是正式表達同情的例子,仔細讀。

【Word Bank】
shallow (adj) 淺薄的"Dear John" Letter (n phr) 情侶之間的斷交信

The Day's Phrase
The new clock I bought is an alarm, a radio, and CD player all rolled into one.

Showing Sympathy (Part 2 of 5) 表達同情
EXPRESS YOURSELF: Showing Sympathy (Part 2 of 5) 表達同情

Here are a few phrases for expressing sympathy to friends or family in sad or difficult situations:  * That's too bad.  
* That's a shame.   
* What a pity!  
* Tough break.  
* Better luck next time.   
* I'm sorry to hear that.   
* It must be pretty rough on you.   
* I can imagine how bad you must feel.   
* I sympathize with you.

* 那真是太糟糕了。  
* 真令人惋惜。  
* 多可惜啊!  
* 真倒霉。  
* 下次祝你好運。  
* 聽到這個消息,我真為你感到難過。  
* 對你來講一定很不好受,我可以想像你會多麼難受。  
* 我很同情你的處境。

Conversation 1
Jackie: Good morning, Irene. How was the violin contest yesterday? Did you win a prize?
Irene: Oh, Jackie, it was awful! One of my violin strings broke right in the middle of the Haydn piece. I felt so embarrassed. Even the judges were laughing at me.
Jackie: That's a shame! Are you sure the judges were laughing at you? You were probably just too tense. I know how hard you worked to prepare. I can imagine how bad you must feel.
Irene: Oh, well, such is life. There's always next year.


【Word Bank】
shame (n)可惋惜之事 tense (adj) 緊張的

The Day's Phrase
When I walked in late, all eyes were on me.

Fight Fire with ... Flies? 救火……用蒼蠅?
Natural remedies for fire ants 火蟻的天然防治法
‧ 標題單字
1) remedy (n.) 補救方法,療法
Many people use natural remedies when they are ill.

1.The University of Texas is studying some interesting new ways to fight fire ants. Instead of using 2)chemicals on the 3)stinging ants, researchers there are trying flies 4)imported from South America. These flies are natural 5)predators of the 6)annoying little red ants.
‧ 中級單字
2) chemical (n.) 化學藥品
This food has too many unnatural chemicals.
3) sting (v.) 螫,刺
Be careful or those bees will sting you.
4) import (v.) 輸入,進口
Most of these cars are imported from Japan.
5) predator (n.) 掠食者
The lion is a great African predator.
6) annoying (a.) 討人厭的,煩人的
He thinks his little brother is very annoying.

2.Fire ants, also from South America, are now spreading all over the world. They are 7)fiercely 8)territorial, carry a painful sting, and 9)swarm on any enemy. Worst of all, since these ants have no natural predators outside of their 10)homeland, they 11)multiply at 12)incredible 13)rates.
‧ 中級單字
7) fiercely (adv.) 極度地,強烈地
They argued(爭論)fiercely all night long.
8) territorial (a.) 有領域性的
Many animals can be territorial.
9) swarm (v.) 成群聚集
The bees swarmed around the flowers.
10) homeland (n.) 家鄉
His homeland is on the other side of the world.
11) multiply (v.) 繁殖,倍增
Rabbits can multiply very quickly.
12) incredible (a.) 驚人的,令難以置信的
She is an incredible singer.
13) rate (n.) 速率
The temperature has been increasing at a steady rate.

3.Until now, that is. Through careful research, scientists have shown that little flies called Phorids use fire ants as 14)hosts for their maggots. They dive-bomb the ants and leave 15)larvae in their bodies. The larvae grow and feed on the ants, eventually killing them by causing their heads to fall off. 16)Fortunately, these flies only 17)attack fire ants.
‧ 中級單字
14) host (n.) 宿主,主人,主持人
Dogs can be hosts to many insects(昆蟲).
15) larva (n.) 幼蟲,複數為larvae [`l3rvi]
Mosquito larvae live in water.
16) fortunately (adv.) 幸好,幸運地
Fortunately it stopped raining before the parade(遊行).
17) attack (v.) 攻擊
The soldiers attacked the small town.

4.So, while the quick and easy method to 18)get rid of fire ants would be to drop 19)tons of chemical 20)poison all over the land, that's not the best method to use. After all, these poisons can eventually go into the water we drink, so it's 21)probably a better idea to let the flies do the hunting for us.
‧ 中級單字
18) get rid of 擺脫,除去
We need to get rid of all this garbage.
19) ton (n.) 噸
This truck can carry two tons of rock.
20) poison (n.) 毒藥
She warned her children not to touch the poison.
21) probably (adv.) 很可能
The sky is very dark and it will probably rain later.

The Looking Glass Wars 鏡中戰爭
Alice in a 1)violent new 2)wonderland 愛麗絲走入暴力新奇境‧
1) violent (a.) 暴力的
The violent man punched(用拳猛擊)the window.
2) wonderland (n.) 奇境,不可思議的地方
This small town is so perfect it's like a wonderland.

1.Remember the children's story Alice in Wonderland? It is a story of a little girl who enters a 3)magical world where she meets with 4)fantastic 5)characters like the White Rabbit, the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat, and the Queen of Hearts and her 6)playing card army.
‧ 中級單字
3) magical (a.) 魔法的
Children like to read stories about magical people.
4) fantastic (a.) 奇妙的
The story you wrote isn't only good; it's fantastic!
5) character (n.) 角色
Who is your favorite character in this book?
6) playing card 遊戲紙牌,撲克牌
He used the playing cards to show them a magic trick.

2.This tale written in the 1860s has been made into 7)numerous 8)plays and movies (including a Disney film), and has been rewritten many times over. The White Rabbit from the story has appeared in such unusual places as a song by the 9)band Jefferson Airplane and a 10)tattoo on an 11)actress* back in the movie The Matrix.
‧ 中級單字
7) numerous (a.) 數量眾多的
There are numerous reasons why you should study hard in school.
8) play (n.) 戲劇,舞台劇
The students all participated(參加)in the school play.
9) band (n.) 樂團
This band from Japan is very popular.
10) tattoo (n.) 刺青
She has a tattoo of a heart on her arm.
11) actress (n.) 女演員
Julia Roberts is a famous actress.

3.No less unusual is the latest Alice in Wonderland 12)version. Frank Beddor, 13)producer of There's Something About Mary, is 14)coming out with an Alice 15)trilogy in book form that he hopes to make into a movie but that may cause a few 16)eyebrows to raise. After reading the 17)original as a child and finding it to be a 烠errible girls* book,* Beddor decided to 18)spice things up.
‧ 中級單字
12) version (n.) 版本
There are many different versions of this book.
13) producer (n.) 製作人
Everyone congratulated(祝賀)the producer for her work on the movie.
14) come out with 提出,出版
Ford came out with a new car that doesn't use much gas.
15) trilogy (n.) 三部曲
Together these three books make a trilogy.
16) eyebrow (n.) 眉毛。
片語 raise one's eyebrows 是表示「驚訝或不贊同」The mother raised her eyebrows when her daughter said a bad word.
17)original (n.) 原著
The new version of the movie is good, but many people still prefer the original.
18) spice ... up 增加刺激性,以香辛料調味
This story is too boring. We should try to spice it up.

4.In his first book, The Looking Glass Wars, the main characters are now killers and 19)superheroes, and the new 20)violence of the story seems to fit more in a video game than in a children's story. However, Beddor 21)argues that today's children have grown up with more violence on TV and in computer games, and he feels the book will be a success. Now it's up to young readers to decide.
‧ 中級單字
19) superhero (n.) 具有超能力的超級英雄
Superman is a famous superhero.
20) violence (n.) 暴力
There is a lot of violence on television.
21) argue (v.) 辯論,辯稱
He argued that he is the best basketball player in the country.

Xenotransplantation 異種器官移植
A new way to save human lives 拯救人類生命的新方法

1.As the 1)population of the world increases, the number of people that need organ 2)transplants also goes up. An organ transplant is a 3)medical 4)operation in which an organ is taken from one person and placed into the body of another.
‧ 中級單字
1)population (n.) 人口
Taiwan has the second largest population density(密度)in the world.
2)transplant (n.) 移植
The girl needs a kidney(腎臟)transplant.
3)medical (a.) 醫學的
Medical discoveries over the past hundred years have been amazing.
4)operation (n.) 手術
The doctors put me to sleep during the operation.

2.The problem with organ transplants is that most organs宬earts, livers, or 5)kidneys娞ome from people killed in road accidents, but in recent years there have been fewer and fewer road accident deaths. New sources for transplants must be found to answer the need.
‧ 中級單字
5)kidney (n.) 腎臟
Many people have to wait a long time before they can get kidney transplants.

3.This is where xenotransplantation comes in. Xenotransplantation means transplanting animal organs into humans. This kind of operation has been done many times in the past 50 years, at first with poor results. The last 10 years has seen a lot of progress in this area.

4.Scientists say that if we change about six 6)genes in pigs, pig organs can be safely placed into humans. Pig organs are nearly the same size as human organs. But up to now, transplants using pig organs have been less than 7)satisfactory because the person's body 8)rejects the organ as foreign. This 9)rejection is what scientists are trying to prevent by changing the pig's 10)genetic 11)makeup.
‧ 中級單字
6)gene (n.) 基因
Doctors have isolated(分離出)the human gene that gives people blue eyes.
7)satisfactory (a.) 令人滿意的
The dentist(牙醫)did a very satisfactory job on my teeth.
8)reject (v.) 排斥,拒絕
When I was a kid, I was always rejected by girls.
9)rejection (n.) 排斥,拒絕
It's really hard to deal with rejection.
10)genetic (a.) 基因的
A lot of people are afraid of the genetic changes in plants that scientists are making.
11)makeup (n.) 組成,構成
The makeup of a person's genes is determined(決定)by his DNA.

5.And they are having a lot of success doing so. This success means that many human lives will be saved, but it also means some pigs will be bred only for their organs, and this, for many, is a 12)disturbing thought.
‧ 中級單字
12)disturbing (a.) 令人不安的
It's very disturbing to read news about the war in Iraq.

Thursday, November 18, 2004
Our Graying Planet 高齡化世界
Over a 3)billion 4)senior citizens 

1) gray (v., a.) (頭髮)變灰白;(頭髮)灰色的
I'm only thirty years old but my hair is graying.
2) planet (n.) 行星
Earth is the third planet away from the sun.
3) billion (n.) 十億
Bill Gates has over forty billion dollars.
4) senior citizen (n.) 老人,高齡公民
Train tickets are discounted for senior citizens.

1.If you won the 5)lottery, the number 缹ne billion* would be wonderful to hear. But if you're talking about the world's aging population, one billion is no longer a figure that brings smiles to people's faces. Instead, it is causing many to worry.

‧ 中級單字
5)lottery (n.) 彩券,樂透
Janet won a million dollars in the lottery.

2.Worldwide, there are currently about 600 million people over the age of 60. It is 6)estimated that this number will double to 1.2 billion by 2025. This will be the biggest jump ever in the number of the world's senior citizens. While these numbers show how medical 7)advancements have helped people live longer, it's not this positive side people are focusing on.

. 中級單字
6) estimate (v.) 估計
It's estimated that there are one hundred thousand immigrants(移入移民)per year.
7) advancement (n.) 進步,進展
Scientific advancements come faster than understanding of science nowadays.

3.The focus is instead on the 8)burden older people put on the 9)workforces and 10)economies of countries around the world. An increase in people over 60 means fewer people in the workforce 11)generating incomes and spending money. More older people holding on to their 12)savings means a slower economy.

‧ 中級單字
8) burden (n.) 負擔,負荷物
It's really a burden to take care of all these children.
9) workforce (n.) 勞動力,總勞動人口
This fire department(消防隊)has a one hundred man-strong workforce.
10) economy(n.) 經濟
The economy has been getting better ever since the last crash(崩盤).
11) generate (v.) 產生
The dam(水壩)on that river generates a lot of electricity.
12) savings (n.) 積蓄,存款
I have almost no savings in my bank.

4.Older people also require more care. They 13)suffer from more 14)chronic diseases and 15)consume a lot of resources from Social Security or National Health Insurance systems. This puts a 16)strain on any government's 17)finance and has people worried.

‧ 中級單字
13) suffer (v.) 受苦,罹患
Jim has been suffering from depression(憂鬱症)ever since his girlfriend left him.
14) chronic (a.) 慢性的,長期的
Chronic problems such as poverty(貧困)are hard to solve.
15) consume (v.) 消耗
Americans consume a fourth of(四分之一的)the world's resources(資源).
16) strain (n.) 緊張,壓力
All this arguing has really put strain on our relationship.
17) finance (n.) 財政,財務
Jevon is studying finance in order to work at a bank.

5.The best 18)solution is to keep our older population fit as long as possible and to find ways to keep our Social Security or National Health Insurance systems running strong, as we watch our world become an increasingly 1)gray place.

‧ 中級單字
18) solution (n.) 解決(辦法)
The government's solution to this city's traffic problems is to build an underground metro(地鐵).

Tuesday, November 16, 2004
MP3 vs. MP4 MP3 對決 MP4
Taking a look at what you're listening to 
1) vs. (prep.) 對比,對上,是 versus 的縮寫

1.This is for the 2)audio geeks out there. When you 3)download music or streaming video on the Internet, what are you doing? Well, simply put, you're 4)accessing MP3 5)files.

‧ 本段單字
2) audio (n.) 音響
There's a problem with the audio in this movie.
3) download (v.) 下載
Some people download movies to watch at home.
4) access (v.) 接收,開電腦檔案
You can access your email from this computer.
5) file (n.) 檔案
I saved the file on this disk.

2.MP3 is short for MPEG-1 Audio Layer III, which was developed by the Moving Picture Experts?Group (MPEG). It is a system 6)whereby music and video files are made smaller so that they are easier to listen to and watch 7)online.
MP3是MPEG-1 Audio Layer III的縮寫,由影像標準制訂協會(MPEG)研發出來。這套系統可以壓縮影音檔,比較容易在網路上收聽收看。

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6) whereby (conj.) 憑這個,以此
Research and experimentation were the means whereby we achieved our goal.
7) online (adv.) 在線上,在網路上
This is a game that you can play online.

3.The bad thing about the system is that, in order to 8)compress the 9)original file, something has to go. In the case of MP3, some sound 10)frequencies that the normal human ear doesn't hear very well are removed. The idea is that, even without these sounds, you can still get near CD quality sound. However, not everyone has been 11)impressed with the results.
‧ 本段單字
8) compress (v.) 壓縮
After you read this book, you should compress the important facts into a summary(摘要).
9) original (a.) 原來的
We lost the original book, but we still have this copy.
10) frequency (n.) 頻率
Dogs’ears can hear very high-frequency sounds.
11) impress (v.) 令人印象深刻
This story will impress you.

4.In recent years, new and improved versions of MP3 have been created. One is MPEG-4 AAC (Advanced Audio Coding), also known as MP4, which can give the same quality of sound or better in a file half the size of an MP3. The way sound is removed in MP4 is different and some say less 12)noticeable. The files can be used with surround sound, and the list of 13)improvements goes on.
近年來,新的改良版MP3已經出現。有一種叫作MPEG-4 AAC(進階音訊編碼),又稱MP4,只要MP3檔案的一半大小就可以提供同樣甚至更好的音質。MP4去除聲音的方式不同,有人說比較聽不出來。這種檔案可以用在環繞音效,另外還有許許多多的改良。
‧ 本段單字
12) noticeable (a.) 注意得到
There are no noticeable differences between the two twins(雙胞胎).
13) improvement (n.) 改良
We'll make some improvements to our new car design.

5.So keep your ears out as more and more of your Internet 14)entertainment 15)catches on to this sound of the future.
‧ 本段單字
14) entertainment (n.) 娛樂
What is your favorite kind of entertainment?
15) catch on to (v.) 跟上流行
Many kids are quickly catching on to this new trend.

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