Thursday, December 09, 2004
Criticizing Tactfully (Part 4 of 5) 技巧地批評
EXPRESS YOURSELF: Criticizing Tactfully (Part 4 of 5) 技巧地批評
When you are criticized, acknowledge the criticism in a nondefensive way. If it is valid, offer an apology for your behavior.
* I know this is a problem.
* Thank you for your input.
* I appreciate your comments.
* I'm glad you mentioned it.
Conversation 4
(back to the restaurant with Wilbur and Charlotte)
Wilbur: You know, Charlotte, IBM glad you mentioned my habit of slurping. I guess it's really impolite.
Charlotte: I'm afraid it is. Lots of people find slurping very offensive, you know. You really should try to stop.
Wilbur: I will try. I guess I learned it when I was little. Maybe I didn't pay enough attention to my table manners.
* 我知道這是個問題。
* 謝謝你所提供的意見。
* 我很感激你的評語。
* 我很高興你把它提出來。
【Word Bank】
nondefensive (adj) 不具敵意的; 無防衛性的
valid (adj) 有確實根據的
The Day's Phrase
When I asked my brother for help on my homework he told me to get lost!